For Immediate Release:
How the Ohio Democratic Party proves it is worthless and complicit in the area of not protecting our elections and maintaining people who care about those elections.
By: Paddy Shaffer
Director, The Ohio Election Justice Campaign
New unfolding ugliness in Ohio... (A message from Susan Truit below this little write up to prepare you for what she will describe).
I would like to remind all of you of some background information before you read about State Senator Teresa Fedor losing her position as Minority Leader, compliments of what appears to be... The Enemy Of We The People. This will allow you to understand why we are not able to resolve the election issues in Ohio. The Democrats are also involved! Face it, it currently takes two parties, and the story is just starting to flow. The party people and the election officials that prefer to protect their club of election officials and protect the surrounding illegal business actions that run our elections, rather than look out for the people need their asses exposed, just like the little girl in the old Coppertone suntan add with the dog tugging on her bathing suit... her ass was hanging out, and now so are theirs.
Bernadette Noe, wife of Tom Noe (now in prison for robbing the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation Fund) is the former Director of the Lucas County Board of Elections. It is pretty bad when even J. Kenneth Blackwell fired her for the problems at that BOE. Bernadette Noe is Chris Redfern's cousin. Chris Redfern is the current Chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party, current Ohio State Representative for District 80, and the former Ohio House Minority Leader.
Thomas W. Noe Prison Information:
Federal Prisoner Number 26157-018, age 53, White, Male...
Thomas W. Noe, Prison Release date is October 27, 2008.
The Ohio Democrats were having a field day beating up on the Noe's for all their criminal and other problems. "Coingate" is the main title given to this sad sick story, as Tom Noe spent $50 million of BWC dollars on collector coins and beanie babies... and donating heavily $$$ to Republican campaigns. George W. Bush's campaign received over $100,000, and Noe was given the title "A Bush Pioneer."
This money was gathered for the use of injured workers, and their widows and orphans. Chris Redfern told the Ohio Democrats to stop the criticism because Bernadette is his cousin. They did, all except Marc Dann, our current Attorney General. Dann was a champion of the people, forced this needed issue to court, and also rode it as a means into his current office.
Former Ohio Democratic Party (ODP) Chairman Denny White left his downtown office window open and got his computer stolen with all the ODP data. Denny left the job and went to the Deputy Director position at the Franklin County Board of Elections (which is now under investigation, the last guy with that job, Hackett was just convicted of crimes for selling voting machine carts, needed because of HAVA to the BOE. The conviction was just last week). Then the Chairman job at the Ohio Democratic Party opened up.
I assisted Ohio Honest Elections run a public forum for all the candidates for the job. Redfern was the least of the 7 candidates that showed up and planned to work two jobs. All the others planned to focus on the ODP. When the vote came up days later for the ODP job, it was reported to me that Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones entered the room where the voting was to take place, upset. Why, we need to know. (I heard that people were reporting that they had received calls telling them that they must vote for Chris Redfern.) That vote, normally done on a private ballot, was instead done publicly. Each voter had to go public with their choice, and raise their hand for their candidate choice. Chris Redfern won. A fair election?
I requested a meeting with Chris Redfern shortly after he took his new job as ODP Chairman, I was a candidate for the US Congress. I attempted to have dialog on what he was going to do about the election mess, which was the driving issue for me as a candidate. He wouldn't touch it, but instead recommended I raised lots of money and wrote thank you cards to donors. When I managed the Green Party Governor Candidate's 2006 Campaign, he blocked my candidate from the Governors debates, telling me "It is my job to get Strickland elected," when I asked him "what about democracy... why are you blocking the Libertarian and Green Party Candidates?"
The cover up for our 2004 and subsequent elections continues. The Attorney General and Secretary of State will not touch the issue. How big does the pile of elephant crap in the room have to be before we admit it is there?
Again,... I am sickened. And the misdeeds continue. Help if you can.
From Susan Truit:
Please WRITE - EMAIL - CALL Ohio Dem Leaders - contact info below
The Ohio Democratic Party has ousted staunch election reform advocate, State Senator Teresa Fedor, from her position as Minority Leader. Senator Fedor was sounding the alarm regarding the unsafe nature of touch screen voting machines (DREs) years before most people had ever heard of them. Her removal as the leader of the Democrats in the Ohio Legislature is a dramatic blow to the election reform movement in Ohio. She has worked tirelessly for years for election reform, first as a State Representative and then as a State Senator.
Among other things, Senator Fedor spearheaded the 2004 Joint Committee on Ballot Security, which, with the help of CASE Ohio members, prevented the purchase of any new DREs in Ohio prior to the 2004 election. She invited many computer experts, and others, to testify before the Committee, educating not only the legislature, but also the public, about the dangers of DREs. She introduced and passed the Bill requiring paper on any voting machine. But she has not stopped there - she has continued to advocate for voting rights and voting reform for years.
She was also instrumental in exposing the Thomas Noe scandal in Lucas County - (see ), and the scandal of Congressman Bob Ney, who, unfortunately, pushed through HAVA (Help America Vote Act) before he was embroiled in his scandel.
Who is behind her removal from power and why? Who expressly and tacitly approved it?
Why, with only months to go before a Presidential election, have the Dems removed from a leadership position the one Legislator who has devoted herself to election reform?!? Especially in the key state of Ohio?
Is this move driven by those who do not buy in to the grave nature of the election system in Ohio, and in the entire U.S.? Is it more insidious than that? This move clearly indicates that there are Ohio Democrats in key leadership positions who are unaware of the dire situation regarding the unreliable, unverifiable, and untrustworthy DREs. To oust Senator Fedor as a party leader, after her years of devotion and unflagging work, is an abomination.
Who will lead the election reform charge, now?
Write, email, and call the Chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party, Chris Redfern, and ask him:
Chris Redfern
77 S. High St
10th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Telephone: (614) 644-6011
Fax : (614) 719-6980
Email Address:
Write, email, and call the Chief Legal Counsel for the Governor, Kent Markus, who also serves as the Chief of State-Legislative Relations, and ask him:
Kent Markus
Office of Governor Ted Strickland
77 South High Street
30th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-6117
Capitol Phone:614/466-2000
EVEN IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN OHIO - IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ELECTION REFORM, Call, Email, and Write them now and demand some answers about why Senator Fedor has been punished for her years of exemplary service to the State of Ohio and to the issue of election reform.
Susan Truitt
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