There are only 46 days left until the end of the year... and then it will be 2008. According to Secretary Brunner, absentee ballots start getting sent out in January.
The SAME people (with the small exception of a retirement in Fayette County, Licking County both Director and Deputy Director left their job, replacement of the Cuyahoga Board, and a job switch in Delaware County, Miami County Deputy Director quite her job the day a record request from Richard showed up, and possibly a couple others that we are not aware of, who may have left their jobs in the Ohio Boards of Elections) are running our elections. There are 88 counties... and little has changed in most of them.
With this number of 100 days passed... we can also mourn the dismal failure of these newly elected officials (the SOS and AG) to deal with most blatant crime in US History... with hunks and wads of evidence just laid out all over the state of Ohio.
We have added a new witness of election crime to our group, Dr. Andrew (Drew) Feight, who witnessed and documented the rigging of the Scioto County Recount in 2004. He tried to get the prosecutor to deal with it, and to go higher when he got no help. We will now be helping him, and our strong pile of evidence gains another glowing hot piece. Welcome Drew... we want to help you, and your story will help us all.
We have a Press Conference next week, to deal with the topic of the testing of Ohio's Voting Machines, a 1.8 million dollar taxpayer funded test. I have repeatedly, both in writing and verbally contacted the Secretary of States office, and asked to have observers there to watch. Chris Nance, the Assistant Secretary of State is who I have been told gets to decide... and he will not respond. Why? The testing has been ongoing for awhile, and they are scheduled to finish at the end of the month. I have an article I am writing about this and more darkness in what I see for this testing as it is now going. I'll try to get it out, and you all informed in the next few days.
Below is a shortened version of the video of the Memorial Event we held on November 2, 2007 on the 3 year Anniversary of the theft of the Presidential Election. Some wrote and said they were unable to open it up. I hope this works. If not, please give me feedback. Thanks to Bruce for doing this, and he also added a George Carlin video, with a warning.
Make it a Powerful Day,
Paddy Shaffer
Director, The Ohio Election Justice Campaign 761-0621
15 Activists gathered at the Ohio State Capitol in Columbus, Ohio, USA to mourn the "Death of Honest Elections." The Procession went to the 1. Franklin County Board of Elections, 2. The Ohio Secretary of States Office, and 3. The Ohio Attorney Generals office.
Subject: George Carlin on the American Dream
so called because you have to be asleep to believe it... 3-minute video:
Warning: offensive language. and yes, this is related to fake elections with fake choices (among other topics).
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