The OEJC is meeting with members of the Ohio Attorney General's Office tomorrow, Monday, December 17th, at 2:00 p.m.
We will be meeting at Victorian's Midnight Cafe, 251 W. Fifth Avenue (at Neil), at 11:45 a.m. for preparation. Car pools to the Attorney General's Office will be leaving from Victorian's at 1:00 p.m.
For those of you who prefer to travel separately, please plan to arrive in the Attorney General's reception area no later than 1:30 p.m. tomorrow.
The Ohio Attorney General's office is located at 30 E. Broad Street, in the Rhodes State Office Tower, on the 17th Floor. Ask to be directed to the Main Conference Room to meet with Christopher Geidner and Michael Deemer, that you are a member of The Ohio Election Justice Campaign.
Convenient parking is located under the Ohio Statehouse in the underground parking garage.
There is an underground tunnel that will take you directly from the garage to the state office tower.
The state office tower is directly across Broad Street from the Ohio Statehouse.
If you are not already scheduled as a speaker, and we have several, and you are able to attend, please know that you come in as a witness. Be prepared that we have only a short amount of time that they scheduled for. We must stay on topic, for what we have set up. Please hold your comments until the end, and if time allows, we want them to hear from many of us, that they begin to know us as a group. We also don't want to frighten them away, but to begin to work to resolve these issues. We must succeed, our nation needs us.
Dress professionally, and lets impress them with our integrity.
Make it a Powerful Day,
Paddy Shaffer
Director, The Ohio Election Justice Campaign
(614) 761-0621
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